Future Problem Solving Team success
Our Future Problem Solving Team of Rhys Chieng, Charlotte I’Ons, Eleanor Middleton, Claire Spicknall, Ting-Ting Cook, Alyssa Jeffries, Isabelle Norton, Alanah Fedder, Robbie Lavalle, Isabella Perri, Amelie Hampton, Yasmin Matar and Anabelle Sheargold had a wonderful long weekend in Melbourne representing TIGS at the national finals. Mrs Jean Burton, FPS Coach, triumphantly led our four teams and one individual to a great deal of success:
- Alyssa Jeffries came first (middle individual) with her project Love shouldn’t hurt.
- Charlotte I’Ons, Claire Spicknall, Ting-Ting Cook and Amelie Hampton came first (middle) with their project S.A.F.E.: Surf Awareness For Everyone.
- Alanah Fedder, Isabelle Norton and Isabella Perri came third (middle) with their project Keep it reel (spelling intentional).
Mrs Burton and I were constantly impressed by each of our students, all of whom carried themselves with grace and maturity and were excellent ambassadors for TIGS. They produced outstanding work – reaching the National Finals is extremely impressive – and they all displayed a deep passion for, and extensive knowledge of their projects.