Year 6 recently held their PYP Exhibition, setting up their detailed and intricate presentations to a large crowd of excited parents, carers and family members.
The PYP Exhibition aims to help students engage in a collaborative form of learning and inquiry, showing autonomy and agency with regards to their learning and demonstrating the qualities of the IB Learner Profile.
Students identified real world issues to explore like ‘climate change impacts the environment’, ‘scientific understanding influences our health choices’ or ‘social media influences our communities’.
Using their skills in transdisciplinary learning, students inquired into their topics from different perspectives and through different methods. Surveys, interviews, online research, reading and classwork were combined into extensive multimedia presentations that were presented to the audience at the Exhibition.
Hand-drawn posters were combined with photographs, dioramas, poetry, songs, videos, powerpoint presentations and Japanese calligraphy, showcasing the depth of understanding students had developed through the inquiry process.
Congratulations to our Year 6 students on your hard work!