Wicked excursion
On Wednesday 18 October the Stage 5 Elective Drama and Music students experienced the wonder of a live, professional musical performance of Wicked at the Lyric Theatre. This excursion provided students with the opportunity to enrich their performing arts knowledge and skills as they witnessed first-hand the culmination of talent, skill and creativity required to execute a professional production.
Students reflect on the value of this experience and its connection to their academic studies:
What is the value in this experience as a performing arts student?
Seeing the musical Wicked as a performing arts student allowed us to see where our studies can lead to and helped us to see the many different aspects of theatre. It was such a great experience as someone who aspires to pursue a career in performing arts in the future. – Sydney Parker
For any young performing arts student, attending a live performance is a valuable experience as it gives you an insight into the industry and gives you something to strive for. Wicked is a musical that I have always wanted to see live because I love the music and the message of no matter your differences, you are able to do anything you put your mind to. I knew the show so I was prepared to be blown away, however the quality of the entire show was incredible. – Char Wall
How has this experience enriched your studies in the Performing Arts?
The experience allowed us to see how the many different aspects of theatre come together and how the different parts of our studies can be applied to performance. It can also help us to improve our skills in the classroom, in school productions and for external opportunities. – Sydney Parker
The biggest thing that I have taken away from this show is the professionalism of the cast and crew and how their roles played a difference in producing an amazing show. The show has really inspired me to work hard so I can be a part of a production like that one day. – Char Wall