Spring Is Upon Us
This week, I have had numerous reminders that Spring is upon us and, with it, the promise of Summer just around the corner. With my love of nature, Spring is always a time I look forward to as the garden takes on a vibrant palette enhanced by numerous blooms and blossoms. At TIGS, the amazing views from the lofty position of Senior Square, are framed by Mount Keira to the North and the impressive escarpment that stretches away to the South as far as the eye can see. At this time of year, the sky is a crisp blue and the sun is pleasant and warm.
As much as I enjoy this enviable setting whenever I am able, it is always enhanced during recess and lunchtimes when groups of students congregate on the lawn, on the picnic benches or around the activities taking place on the Oval. Ask any students at TIGS what makes the school special and they will tell you it is the relationships (I can state this with authority as I have done it several times and the answer is invariably the same!). The warmth of these relationships is never more evident than when students are enjoying each other’s company on a balmy Spring day.
As I walked around the Senior School site this week, I was reminded of the words of Ecclesiastes 3:11, “He has made everything beautiful in its time. Also, he has put eternity into man’s heart”. There is something about the beauty in the natural world all around us that speaks to the creativity and purpose of our loving God that is hard to ignore. But as I’m sure we would each recognise we are living through some difficult times.
In England, Spring is a very different season to the one we experience here in New South Wales. The dominant colour in gardens and fields alike is a muddy brown with occasional accents of greenery that has seen all too little sun during the long winter months. New growth in the garden is hesitant and sub-zero temperatures are always a possibility – destroying young roots and damaging buds and leaves alike.
Last week was RUOK? Day. RUOK? Day is an encouragement for us all to check in on each other and a reminder of the importance of having honest conversations among our friends and family about mental health. It was a helpful reminder to me that, for many, the shadow of anxiety, depression and the like, can all too easily prevent us from feeling that hopeful joy and optimism that Spring embodies. If you haven’t done so of late, can I encourage you to check in with your loved ones and ask them the simple question, how are you going – RUOK?