Senior School News and Tuition Hub
We are fast approaching the midpoint of Term I and what a term it has been thus far.
The Senior School Swimming Carnival, Year 7 Camp and a host of competitive sporting events and enriching learning activities, such as the Medieval Day, enjoyed by Year 8 History students, have all taken place over recent weeks.
Looking forward to the latter half of the term, we will enjoy the Cross Country Carnival, Year 8 Camp, a Geography excursion to the Minnamurra rainforest and the visit of more than 300 students participating in the da Vinci Decathlon competition which is again being hosted by The Illawarra Grammar School in 2024. Before and after school, and during recesses and lunches, the increasingly coordinated and impressive song, dance and choreography happening around the Senior School reminds us that Artsfest is also fast approaching!
In recent weeks, the Talented Athletes’ Program and surfing co-curricular programs have recommenced and this week saw the start of after school rugby training (which takes place every Wednesday, commencing at 3.30pm).
This evening, I am personally looking forward to reconnecting with members of our extended community at the Parents’ Evening, which will be held on Library Lawn, commencing at 6.00pm.
In classrooms, labs and workshops across the Senior School, engaged learning has been evident since the first day of the new term. One of the privileges I enjoy most about my role is talking to students about their goals for the year ahead and sharing in their pursuit of growth and desire to excel in their learning. To this end, students can request an Academic Mentoring meeting with a member of the Senior School Executive by collecting and completing a form available from Student Reception. Academic Mentoring conversations might include a consideration of academic progress, collaboration around reducing or removing any barriers to learning or helping students to set and work strategically towards challenging goals. To further support student learning, a number of before and after school classes are now available for students. I hope you will find the information below helpful in encouraging your son or daughter to take advantage of these rich opportunities.
The Illawarra Grammar School Tuition Hub
All classes shown in the table below take place in the Library. Students are encouraged to check with their subject teacher(s) to learn of any other additional opportunities taking place in individual subject areas.
Week A and B
Further Learning/ Support Opportunities
Year 12 Design and Technology Support – TAS Building
Ms Chapple will be available on two Saturdays (2 March and 9 March) from 8.00am-12.30pm.
Year 12 Industrial Technology Support – TAS Building
Mr Brigham (Week A) and Ms Chapple (Week B) will be available during Term I on Thursday afternoons from 3.10pm.
Year 12 Visual Arts: Body of Work Support – FG3
Mr Rossiter will be available during Term I on Tuesday afternoons from 3.30pm.
Academic Support – B Block
The Academic Support team has an open-door policy for students to drop in at the following times:
- Year 7 Monday lunchtimes
- Year 9 Tuesday lunchtimes
- Year 8 Wednesday lunchtimes
- Year 10 Thursday lunchtimes