Raise Our Voice
The ‘Raise Our Voice’ campaign is designed to highlight and amplify the voice of young people. Every Federal MP is asked to select one 90 second speech, written by a young person in their electorate, to read out during ‘Youth Voice in Parliament Week’. This event will take place from 13 – 16 November 2023.
The submissions of two TIGS students have Illustrated the power of their writing, and illuminated the way young people are experiencing the rise in living costs currently being experienced across Australia – both have been selected by Fiona Phillips MP (representative for Gilmore), for presentation in Parliament next week. Isabella’s piece addresses the issue of youth homelessness and Poppy has written about the minimum wage. These presentations will be recorded in the Hansard as a part of Australian political history.
You can read more about ‘Raise Our Voice’ here:
Isabella Carswell – Year 9
My name is Isabella Carswell. I am a 14-year-old girl who lives in the electorate of Gilmore and attends school in the electorate of Cunningham.
I am raising the problem of the rising prevalence of homelessness in my local community which I know is reflected in the rest of the country. The cost of living crisis is affecting young adults who have barely entered the financial world and families with young children who now have to decide between paying for a roof over their heads or food on the table.
I understand that in many towns and cities, there are organisations that house and help those without a home. However, they are also suffering from the cost of living crisis. They donate food, resources and support to those in their local area who require their help. I would like the government to match these organisations’ support and funding so that they can continue this effort to support those who need it without having to cut corners.
I would like the government to provide funds to the organisations that are putting so much into helping those who are below the poverty line and those who really need it. If those who used to be able to help can no longer afford to help, who will?
Poppy Fulton – Year 7
Hello members of Parliament. My name is Poppy Fulton. I am 12 years old, and my federal electorate is Gilmore.
As a young casual employee, I earn the minimum wage for my age, and this won’t increase until I turn 21. A change that would make Australia a better place for future generations is having the minimum wage reach its peak when the employee turns 18. I’d like to see 18 year old’s earning the same income as 21 year old’s. Why should two adults doing the same job earn different wages just because they were born 36 months apart?
Passing this law would benefit families that rely on 18-20 year old sons and daughters to help provide for them, 18-20 year old’s with their own young families, and university students who’d feel more financially secure with higher incomes. Also, it would help motivate 18-20 year old’s to get jobs, which would decrease unemployment rates in this bracket. Parliament could help bring about these benefits by passing a law stating that the minimum wage reaches its peak at 18.
Having the minimum wage reach its peak at 18 would improve the living quality of many teens, families, and university students. I would like the federal parliament to pass a law stating an employee’s age doesn’t affect the minimum wage once they become a legal adult.