RACI Crystal Growing Competition 2022
The aim of the RACI Crystal growing competition is to grow the best single crystal over a period of 3 to 6 weeks.
Crystals are judged on shape and clarity firstly, and then size. Last year some students chose to grow a crystal in a group and some participated as individuals. Many lunch times were spent with Dr Gollan in the labs preparing and growing copper sulphate crystals, some students even talking to their crystals, which appears to be a successful tactic after one achieved second place.
The crystals are sent away to be judged externally, and unfortunately this process was a lengthy one last year, as we did not receive the results until Christmas Eve. However, the wait was worth it, the outstanding results are listed below.
Congratulations to all the students that participated!
We hope to see even more students try their hand at growing crystals this year. Listen to assembly and keep an eye on OLLE news if you are interested, or send an email to Mrs Baird or Mr Gollan registering your interest.
1st Place
Maggie Mison, Saskia Esslinger, Aubrey Koll (7-8 Category)
2nd Place
Jesse Bryers, Felix Loomes (7-8 Category)
Isabella Perri, Claire Spicknall, Eda Otman, Charlotte I’Ons, Amelie Hampton (9-12 Category)
3rd Place
Darby Parrish, Baden Balding (7-8 Category)
Mackenzie Pead (9-12 Category)
Emmanuel O’Brien, Isabella Denley, Bora Kim, Soorya Sundhar, Michael Mitchell, Noah Bottele, Jude Lozenkovski, Georgia Agnew, Beau Sergeant, Sophie Towill, Johanna Hernandez, Ashley Parker, Jack Carroll, Rishay Patel, Naoka Hutchins, Katherine Binks, Samarth Sirohi, Joel Turner, Saksham Sirohi.
Highly Commended
James Brewer, Samantha Fritsch, Georgie Spirkoski‐ Lancaster
Alyssa Jeffries, Annabelle Sheargold, Eleanor Middleton
Saksham Sirohi
Mackenzie Pead