Congratulations Kindergarten!
Our Kindergarten students celebrated 100 days of school. What an achievement for our 2020 Kindergarten class. What memories they will have of this unique time in the world. The day was spent immersed in celebrating this significant day where the students enjoyed the special ‘100-year-old’ Kindergarten teacher visitors and participating in a day of fun. One little Kindergarten student was very concerned that the Kindergarten teachers had disappeared for the day. Thankfully Mrs Young, Mrs Tierney and Mrs Anastovski returned by the end of the day with their beautiful smiles and without the walking frames!
Supporting Student Learning
This week saw the launch of a number of reading, spelling and mathematics interventions across Kindergarten to Year 6. A group of students have been identified for these programmes and our Learning Enhancement teachers Ms Sue Worthington and Mrs Suzanne Mammone have worked hard to prepare for the launch of these. It was lovely to see many families join Zoom sessions to learn more about these. We are committed to ensuring that our programmes are intentional and targeted, providing appropriate levels of support for all of our students.
Thank you for joining our learning conversations
Thank you for your participation in the Student-Led Conferences this week. I’m sure that you’ll agree that your sons and daughters spoke with insight and confidence in their learning. The opportunity to share this learning with you and set learning goals together was invaluable. We look forward to the remainder of the year and the learning ahead. Please continue to engage with our SeeSaw online portfolio, and through Learning Journals in Year 5 and Year 6, where you will find regular updates and insights into your child’s learning.
It’s not too late for students in Year 3 to Year 6 to enrol in Code It Yourself Club for Term III! Learn the foundations underlying some of today’s most exciting areas of Technology. From game coding and website development, to 3D printing, robotics or app design, coders are encouraged to follow their interests and embark on a journey which will see them learn, train and master skills for the future. For more information or to register visit the Code it Yourself page on OLLE.