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From the
Principal’s Desk

Dr Julie Greenhalgh
BSc. BAppSc. DipEd. DipMgt, MEd. EdD

Junior School Ensembles

It has been lovely to see so many parents attending the fortnightly Junior School Assemblies, especially when one of the music ensembles is performing. Thank you to those parents who are able to accommodate these occasions into their schedules, although I’m conscious that this is not always possible, especially for parents in paid employment.

The musical talent in our Junior School is really pleasing. I’m looking forward to seeing their musical expertise on show again on Thursday 5 December at our Christmas Celebration; including Junior School students into the cast of next year’s production is another wonderful way that we will be giving these students opportunities to extend and further develop their talents.

Creativity Elsewhere

Next year, in Year 8, our students will be experiencing new electives. As well as continuing with a language if they so wish, students will also be able to choose to study one or two elective subjects such as Grand Designs, Musical Theatre and Jewellery Making. These electives will ensure that the year is one of creativity and interest for these Year 8 students. Furthermore, Dance will be available as an elective in Year 9 for the first time in 2025.

Year 10 Drama students performed Hating Alison Ashley for an audience of family and friends last week. Admirably supported by the Year 11/12 TVET Entertainment students, the play was delightful, not only because of the quality of the performances but also because the cast included such a diverse range of students, each of whom played their part with enthusiasm and style.

Next week, we will see another round of instrumental and vocal concerts. I have attended every one of these concerts this year, with considerable pleasure. While I always enjoy the music, I have really enjoyed seeing younger students watching the older students performing their pieces. The power of such role modelling cannot be overstated. Thank you, too, to all the parents who have attended these concerts and supported their children along their musical journeys.

Creativity is certainly alive and well at Illawarra Grammar!

Orientation Days

Last week, students preparing to either join the Junior School or move into the Senior School, had the opportunity to visit for one or two days. These days are designed to help students transition to their new school campus with ease. These students, and their parents, were very grateful to our current students who made them feel so warmly welcomed.

For our Year 6 students, seeing inside the classrooms, experiencing some fun Year 7 lessons and learning a little about the Senior School routine made the two days happy ones indeed. A few students started the two days quite anxiously but, by the Friday afternoon, were chatting and mixing easily with their new friends. Very worthwhile days indeed.

Christmas Celebration

It has become apparent that the Cathedral will not be large enough to accommodate the level of interest from our parents for the Christmas Celebration. Therefore, we have been able to make the necessary changes to allow for the Christmas Celebration to be held in the IGC. There will now be only one, slightly-extended service, starting at 6.00 pm. Bookings through TryBooking are no longer required. Limited parking will be available on the field, accessed from the Powell St entrance.

I know many of you will be disappointed that we are not using the Cathedral as a more “formal” setting for this occasion; we will certainly be looking at venue options for 2025. However, for this year, we will revert to the IGC to accommodate the demand from our families.

Can I remind parents of the need to ensure that children who are not taking part in the service are well supervised. Teachers will be busy organising the items so will not be able to supervise the school grounds.

I look forward to joining with you on this occasion as we celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Junior School News

Ms Geneva Clayton
Head of Junior School
Stage 2 and 3 Camp
Year 5 Families: Year 7 2026 Info Breakfast
Safe Technology Use During the Holidays

Senior School News

Mr Nick Hackett
Head of Senior School
Digital Duty of Care
Class of 2024: Year 12 Morning Tea
Yearly Examinations and Reports
Entrepreneurs of Tomorrow Competition

General School News

Private Music Lessons: Enrolment and Re-Enrolment
New Wilton/Appin Bus Service
Uniform Shop School Holiday Trading Hours
Colin Buchanan Concert

Student Voice

Head Prefect Address
Become a Member of The Student Voice Team
Female Fitness Launching 2025
Toys ‘n’ Tucker
Alumni Spotlight: Ken Kencveski (Class of 2007)
Year 10 Drama Performance: Hating Alison Ashley
FISH Contribution

Dates For Your Diary

25 November

Prep Progression
Rees Hall

26 November

Sport Presentation Evening

29 November

K-2 Pageant

3 December

Year 6 Progression Assembly
Rees Hall

5 December

Christmas Celebration
The Illawarra Grammar Centre

When Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralysed man, “Son, your sins are forgiven.”

Mark 2:5

Statistics show that trust in institutions—government, business, media, NGOs—is on the decline. So, what’s the function of trust? One answer that we explored during Senior School chapel this week: trust enables partnership. It’s like opening a door, allowing the strengths of others to enter and enrich our own lives. This applies to institutions, personal relationships, and most profoundly, our relationship with God. When we trust God, we open the door to receive all He offers—free forgiveness, strength, wisdom, and more. That’s why trust, or faith, is central to Christianity. It reminds us that trust isn’t just important for a functioning society; it’s essential for a life deeply connected to the One who offers everything we need.

Rev Dave Binggeli

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