Your Library Is Always Here For You
Jul 30 2021
TIGS Library staff want to remind you: our wonderful service is not just on campus. We encourage you to access your online library from home. Did you know that you can borrow eBooks from home? In fact, for the next month you can access audiobooks too! Click here to learn how, and to access a range of Help Guides. We know many of you will be missing visiting your library, so we’ve created an OLLE page to help keep us together. Please visit here to write and read book reviews, watch Mr. Green Reads videos (featuring TIGS staff and alumni), and play Isolation Bingo!
When you are at home we also recommend you:
- have a look at our databases, start with JSTOR as it’s easy and very useful
- keep reading for pleasure – try our Reading Toolbox for book ideas
- explore ClickView (hint: it’s not just for study)
- request a State Library of NSW library card to access many great resources
- reserve a hardcopy book from our library that will be ready for you on return
How can your library help you learn and relax at home?
- “Ask a librarian” service:
- email Mr. Green on dgreen@tigs.nsw.edu.au for help with
- referencing
- eBooks and audiobooks
- databases
- research
- library catalogue
- email Mr. Green on dgreen@tigs.nsw.edu.au for help with
- email Mr. Foxall on afoxall@tigs.nsw.edu.au for help with
- ClickView
- Technology
- email Mrs. Bowmaker on kbowmaker@tigs.nsw.edu.au for help with
- Renaissance Program / Accelerated Reader
- Premier’s Reading Challenge
- Junior School library
A reminder:
- All hardcopy loan due dates have been extended indefinitely
- Renaissance resumes next week (search “2021 Renaissance Targets and Results” in your Google drive for log-in details)
- Premier’s Reading Challenge closes Friday 20 August, 2021
Stay safe TIGS families and keep in touch.