Launching Into Term I
Meet The Teacher evenings
Thank you for attending our Meet The Teacher evenings over the past two weeks. These evenings are the first of many opportunities to get to know your child’s classroom teacher and to become familiar with the programs, routines and procedures of your child’s grade. Our teachers are excited to build these important partnerships with you, knowing how essential this is to ensuring a successful year.
Swimming Carnival
The annual Junior School Swimming Carnival was a huge success. Our House Captains jumped into action at their first official leadership opportunity. Every student felt supported and encouraged. We congratulate everyone for their courage and efforts. I’d like to acknowledge those students who performed with outstanding skill. Congratulations on your achievements! We look forward to supporting you at the upcoming competitions with other schools. A huge thank you to Mr Adrian Deck, Mrs Kylie Dribbus, Mr Mark Yeo and the Junior School primary staff for all of their efforts to ensure a brilliant day!
Term date updates
Please note the changes to Term Dates and Staff Days for 2024 as outlined by Dr Greenhalgh in the first edition of the newsletter this year. The advertised Staff Day/Pupil Free Day, Monday 26th February 2024, has been cancelled. This will be a normal school day for our students. A new calendar is currently being produced with the updated 2024 dates and will be distributed shortly. Diary updates will be noted in the form of a sticker indicating the slight amendments.
Carline reminder
We work hard to ensure the smooth and safe operation of the carline at the beginning and end of the day. We ask for your continued support and assistance to make sure that this remains smooth and safe for everyone.
- Please do not enter the carline before 3.10pm if you have a child or sibling in Year 3 and above. If you have children in K-2, they will be supervised until you enter after 3.10pm.
- Please enter the carline if you have children in K-2 only at 3pm.
- If you have children in the Senior School, any child with a sibling in Years 3-6 will be asked to meet their Senior School sibling in the M Block undercroft, next door to the IGC. From there you can pick up your children via the Senior School Carline that enters via Powell Street. Students in the Junior School will be escorted to their Senior School siblings at 3.15pm.
- Thank you for following the guidelines and the instructions of the staff on duty.