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Junior School Update

Ms Geneva Clayton – Head of Junior School
Mar 14 2024

Student Identified Captains

The Student Identified Captains hold unique roles in the Junior School leadership team. These roles are generated by the Year 6 Captains and are based on areas that they identify as important and needed in the Junior School. Our recent Captains’ meetings have provided the opportunity to confirm exactly what these roles are and how they would address needs within our School.

I am pleased to confirm the Student Identified Captains and their new roles in 2024:

  • Community Spirit Captains – Sam Coleman-Stone and Evelyn Carroll

Responsible for promoting opportunities to build our Junior School TIGS community through the development and implementation of community-based initiatives, including fundraising.

  • Creative Arts Captains – Mia Nott and Jacob Chapman

Responsible for promoting the Creative Arts as an inclusive area that allows expression and celebration. Responsible for encouraging students to explore and share their gifts and talents.

  • Environmental Captains – Claire Liu and Mateen Hashemi

Responsible for identifying and promoting environmentally-friendly initiatives that will build knowledge and awareness in our students. They will actively promote the importance of sustainability to our ensure a flourishing future within our School and beyond.

  • Student Wellbeing Captains – Chris Roering-Buys and Cora Beebe

Responsible for promoting healthy wellbeing within our students and Junior School community. They will assist students to build resilience and positive self image, and develop strategies to support our students in the playground and classrooms.


The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN) is an annual national assessment for all students in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9. Students are assessed in writing, reading, conventions of language (spelling, grammar and punctuation) and numeracy. We are proud of our Years 3 and 5 students who gave their best efforts during the assessment period. NAPLAN results provide another useful source of information about your child’s progress and areas of development. These will be available later in the year.


Last week, our Prep Director, Mrs Naomi Sheriden, led the evaluation of our TIGS Prep with expertise and passion. A huge congratulations to all the staff involved. Our youngest members of our School continue to flourish in these years of their learning. It is a blessing that they are able to access our specialist programs and fantastic facilities, ensuring a seamless transition to the Junior School.


On Friday 1 March, Year 1 enjoyed a wonderful excursion to Wollongong Art Gallery. We were treated to an interactive tour where we engaged with portraits constructed using a variety of art techniques. We then had our own private lesson in creating abstract self-portraits. A great time was had by all!