Forever Projects
Each year, the Year 12 cohort choses a charity to support and raise funds for. This year we collectively chose to support Forever Projects. Last week during our Biblical Studies lesson, Year 12 had the opportunity for a Q&A session with the founder of the Forever Projects charity Mr Mark Dombkins. During our time with Mark, we got to explore the origin of his story, the significance of his project and his plans for the future. Throughout the period we had the opportunity to dive deeper into the project and appreciate more the significant impact that it has upon the community of Tanzania. We also came to a greater understanding of the main goals of Forever Projects, “Helping women break the cycle of poverty and create a self-sustaining future.”
One of the most significant aspects from the Q&A session was learning what the funds will go towards, and the impact that it will have upon the community. The funds raised will provide women with confidence, health and income to live independently and provide for their families. As little as $1200 can enable women to establish and run businesses. The result of this is that families are kept together and are not driven apart by poverty. The money raised will also fund local community and cultural needs.
Another important part of the Q&A was learning about the women that have been empowered by Forever Projects, including the story of Shakuru. Her story is a heartbreaking issue that many women in Tanzania are experiencing. This issue consists of malnutrition and the inability to provide milk for newborns which leaves children like Shakuru’s son hungry and without the nutrients for health and vitality. However, with the help of Forever Projects, Shakuru’s son was provided with milk formula and nutrition that allowed him to regain his health. Forever Projects was also able to provide Shakuru with the ability to fund a thriving sewing business which has allowed her a steady income and the ability to support her family.
The funds raised by our cohort and TIGS community will allow for more stories like Shakuru’s and will provide more women and families to feel empowered and be given the opportunity to flourish. I want to commend to you our fund-raising efforts this year for Forever Projects. Your generosity will make a big difference in the lives of women and families in Tanzania. We have a major event coming up in Term II – the Trivia Night on 26 May. I hope you can put this in your calendar now. There will be more information about this event shortly.