An Action-Packed Term III
This term we welcome a few new friends to TIGS Prep and we look forward to learning more about you over the coming weeks. You might notice some teary faces as children are settling in, but this is completely normal and rest assured, they settle very quickly after drop-off.
With the need to continue our diligence in social distancing could I please remind all families to do a quick drop off and collection so that we can limit the risk of potential infection to our children and educators. We do appreciate that it is great to stop and have a chat with other parents at this time but unfortunately this does increase the risk to our community. It has been lovely to see the children reacquaint with their friends and educators in our TIGS Prep community. They are enthusiastic and ready to engage in new experiences.
The educators are all looking forward to another ‘action-packed’ term of learning, growth and discovery. The teaching teams have planned experiences relating to provocations, which have been sparked by the children’s interests. We are still very aware of the balancing act of allowing children the freedom to explore and learn while doing so in a safe environment. We will ensure that we implement best practice while keeping an eye on developments throughout the educational sector in the state.
We are pleased to advise that our specialist classes resumed this week. We are delighted to have our much-loved teachers return to us and the School was a hive of activity as we resumed our regular Term III classes.
Term III is generally the part of the year when children’s appetite for learning, discovery and challenges increases. This is because they feel secure in their familiar school environment and have developed genuine, meaningful connections with both their educators and peers. The educators have devised experiences relating to provocations which have been sparked by the children’s interests.
- The Central Idea for Pre-Prep is ‘Over Time Things Change’ and the Transdisciplinary Theme is ‘Where We Are in Place and Time’
- Prep’s Central Idea is ‘There Are Many Ways We Can Express Ourselves’ and the Transdisciplinary Theme is ‘How We Express Ourselves’
During these Units of Inquiry, each class will have the opportunity to follow their interests and seek answers to questions posed within the lines of our Inquiry.
These interactions can have enormous neurological benefits, which lay the foundation for learning in later years. This also dovetails perfectly with the Reggio Emilia philosophy of education, which encourages children to explore without trying to meet adults’ preconceived expectations. Through provocations, educators can initiate discussions and opportunities for learning. There are also spontaneous teachable moments which pop up where the children are encouraged to learn experientially. What a privilege it is for our educators to spend time “bridging minds” with the children in their classes.
We look forward to journeying with the children this term, as they learn more about themselves, their peers and the world around them.